Solsoc and its two partner organisations in Senegal, the NGO GREEN and the Oyofal Paj network, are working together to extend social protection and improve the rights of workers in the informal economy and the rural world, particularly those of young people and women, by promoting the creation of jobs with sustainable incomes. To this end, the programme strengthens 4 types of target groups: mutual health insurance companies, as well as their departmental and regional unions, networks of social and solidarity economy initiatives and youth movements. Organizational, technical, thematic and political support enables them to represent a real mobilizing force and to fully play their respective roles in the extension of their social, political and economic rights.
For more information, visit the french page.

Solsoc and its two partner organisations in Senegal, the NGO GREEN and the Oyofal Paj network, are working together to extend social protection and improve the rights of workers in the informal economy and the rural world, particularly those of young people and women, by promoting the creation of jobs with sustainable incomes. To this end, the programme strengthens 4 types of target groups: mutual health insurance companies, as well as their departmental and regional unions, networks of social and solidarity economy initiatives and youth movements. Organizational, technical, thematic and political support enables them to represent a real mobilizing force and to fully play their respective roles in the extension of their social, political and economic rights.
For more information, visit the french page.
Local Partners
Local organizations supported
million euros of financial support from Solsoc over 5 years